How to build a brand people actually want to hear from

Map Your Brand World

Are you a DTC founder-led brand stuck trying to get real connections and steady sales?

Learn how to make your brand so good people can't ignore it, turn casual visitors into your biggest advocates, and tell your brand's story in a way that keeps everyone coming back for more.

So I another internet course? 🙄

Well, is this you fam?

  • Struggling to get noticed despite having high-quality products.?

    Good positioning can carve out a unique market niche and enhance visibility.

  • Competing on price in a saturated market?

    Brand positioning can help you shift the focus to value, storytelling, and differentiation.

  • Finding it hard to build a loyal customer base?

    Good positioning aligns the brand closely with customer values and creates a community around the brand.

Still not sure if this will work for you?

Let’s do pre-drinks 🍻 with my FREE 5-day educational email course

The 5 Biggest Mistakes Influencers make when building DTC brands that lead to losing followers, public backlash and getting cancelled in a world where every voice counts

The brutal truth 😓

It's not your logo, it's the lack of real differentiation

Many founder-led DTC brands struggle to truly differentiate themselves. They chase the latest design trends, but that's just a visual Band-Aid. This course well help you:

✔️ Uncover your brand's unique identity and story

✔️ Craft a positioning strategy that resonates with your target audience.

✔️ Develop a brand voice and message that sets you apart.

Ready to get your shit together?

Brand Positioning Course

What’s inside the course?

Deep Dive Modules: Explore 7 comprehensive modules where we pull back the curtain on creating a standout brand from the inside out.

Actionable Frameworks: Get hands-on with practical frameworks that weave true differentiation into your business development, product design, and strategy.

Beyond the Aesthetics: Learn why authentic brand identity is more than skin deep, and discover how to express your unique value at every touchpoint.

Real-world Application: No fluff here. You’ll apply what you learn in real-time, building a brand strategy that’s as solid and distinctive as your vision.

Learn on Your Time: The whole thing's set up in a Notion guide so you can jump in whenever you want and take it at your pace.

Say bye babe to the sea of sameness 👋🏽

Learn how to build a brand as hot and influential as you are👇🏽

Can I ask a question?

I’ve already answered some of them, but if you’ve Got a question that’s not here, send it to me here

  • The course is priced at $199. It's an investment in making your brand truly stand out and resonate with your audience.

  • Yes, to make the course as accessible as possible, you can opt for a payment plan of $100 over two months.

  • This version of the Brand Positioning Course is self-study, so you can start anytime and go at your own pace, fitting the learning into your busy schedule.

  • When you purchase the course, you'll have access to all the materials for as long as the course exists, including any future updates.

  • The course includes a comprehensive Notion self-study guide with detailed instructions. While it's a self-study course, you can reach out via email for support if you're hitting a roadblock.

Build a brand that’s actually different

Who Is This Course For?

Whether you’re just kicking off or redefining what your brand stands for, this course is for those who understand the real juice is in what makes you different, not just in what makes you look good:

  • The Groundbreaker

    You’re the heart and soul behind a startup lifestyle brand. Before you even think about logos or websites, you know you need a rock-solid foundation that sets you apart.

  • The Visionary

    You see your brand as more than just products—it's an experience, a lifestyle. If you're about to create or redefine that experience, this is where you solidify your vision.

  • The Trendsetter

    In fashion, beauty, wellness, or any lifestyle sector, you know trends aren't enough. You’re here to establish a brand that leads, not follows, and resonates on a deeper level.

  • The Reinventor

    Leading a lifestyle brand ready for a refresh? If you're gearing up to rebrand, start with positioning to ensure your new identity has substance and a clear direction.

  • The Authentic Voice

    You want a brand as genuine and influential as you are. This course is for those who understand that true differentiation goes beyond the surface—it’s about embodying your unique value in every aspect.

  • The Culture Creator

    You're not just selling products; you're defining a culture. If your aim is to build a brand that shapes consumer lifestyles and sets new industry standards, this course is your playbook.

Brand Positioning Course

Get the solid start your brand needs before you even think about logos or websites

Workshops & Events

Sometimes I teach

I’ve had the privilege of guest lecturing at institutions like the University of Johannesburg and Open Window Institute, focusing on the power of personal branding.

My hands-on workshops at 99 Juta and collaborations with The Design Kids SA in Cape Town have allowed me to connect with and inspire budding designers and brand enthusiasts.